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BBC节目支持人拿被斩狗头介绍 吓坏观众(双语)
2019-03-26 20:12 来源: 互联网 编辑:WB002 打印 手机阅读
为了帮助大家学习英语,新东方在线小编特为大家准备了BBC节目支持人拿被斩狗头介绍 吓坏观众(双语),多多阅读对

  为了帮助大家学习英语,新东方在线小编特为大家准备了BBC节目支持人拿被斩狗头介绍 吓坏观众(双语),多多阅读对于提高英语水平是至关重要的,更多英语学习资料欢迎大家随时关注英语学习网http: english koolearn com

  BBC的《鉴宝路演》(Antiques Roadshow)是一档鉴宝节目,专家鉴定普通人的传家宝,讲解来历并估算价值,深受观众喜爱。

  The BBC's "Antiques Roadshow" is a treasure trove program. Experts identify the heirloom of ordinary people, explain the origins and estimate the value, and are very popular among the audience.

BBC节目支持人拿被斩狗头介绍 吓坏观众(双语)

  然而在上周日晚上播出的最后一集的最后几分钟上,以“别做噩梦”这句话而闻名的主持人Fiona Bruce,给观众们待了了一个真实的噩梦:一个被斩首的狗头。

  However, in the last few minutes of the last episode aired on Sunday night, Fiona Bruce, the host known for the phrase “Don't be a nightmare,” gave the audience a real nightmare: a beheaded Dog head.


  In front of the Leicester Science Museum, host Fiona stood in front of an old suitcase, slowly opened, and then took out a beheaded dog. When the onlookers realized what she had come up with, they were shocked. Fiona himself was a little surprised, took a sigh of relief, and a crowd of people yelled "This is not very good!"

  电视机前收看节目的观众也有同样的感受,他们不知道Fiona Bruce为什么抱着一只死狗的脑袋。Fiona开始介绍这只狗头:“这是今天最奇怪的一件物品,我以前没见过,我要和你一起去看。你准备好了吗?”

  The audience watching the show in front of the TV has the same feeling. They don't know why Fiona Bruce is holding the head of a dead dog. Fiona began to introduce the dog head: "This is the strangest item today. I haven't seen it before. I want to go with you. Are you ready?"


  Fiona then smiled and said that the dog caught a criminal who became the last hanged person in Leicestershire. The dog’s head was then cut and filled. celebrate.


  The netizen lamented: "I can't sleep tonight." "I almost got caught in my gin!" "The idea of stuffing a dog is hard to understand. I fully understand that people stuff stuff with animals, but stuff The head of a poor dog? This is terrible. Who would want to remember their dog like this? Poor thing."



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