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2019-03-07 06:13 来源: 互联网 编辑:WB002 打印 手机阅读


2016-02-13 18:50 来源:爱语吧英语 英语阅读




An adorable Pomeranian pooch who ’just loves being in front of the camera’ has bagged a modelling contract.


Tiny Lulu, who weighs in at just 4lbs, is ’constantly posing’ according to her proud owner Sally Smith, 53, and is already mobbed by excited fans during her daily walk.


Mrs Smith, from Lichfield, Staffordshire, said the miniature hound, who has been signed by Models Direct, is so cute that people often mistaken her for a stuffed toy.


’Everyone wants to be photographed with Lulu,’ she said. ’People scream with delight when they spot her and beg me to allow them to do a selfie with her.


’But while most dogs might be terrified Lulu is incredibly sociable and laps up the attention.’


She added: ’She just loves being in front of the camera and is constantly posing. She even turns her head from side to side so people can get the best shot.’


Mrs Smith decided to try the modelling world a year ago after people constantly stopped her in the street to admire Lulu. She said it isn’t about the money, although Lulu has earned a ’few hundred pounds’ since starting.


’People always say they can’t believe she is a real dog – she is so cute she looks just like a toy teddy,’ she said. ’But she is very well trained, extremely obedient and is very good with children.


’And as she loves posing so much I thought I would give modelling a go. I was delighted when she was immediately signed up with an animal agency.’


Mrs Smith was further thrilled when Lulu - who has her own Instagram?account and Facebook?page - beat other dogs to star as Dante in a TV advert for webuyanycar.com.


She continued: ’It was then I realised what a good actress she is. For example she is is so well behaved she only barks when I instruct her to.


’That meant the film crew were able to shoot the advert in the day. My heart was bursting with pride as she did everything she was told to do.’


Now talented Lulu is recognised everywhere she goes.


Despite her fame Mrs Smith tries not to let Lulu’s new-found celebrity status go to her fluffy little head.


’She constantly brightens my day,’ she said, ’and she is also the most wonderful loyal and loving little companion.’


If the plan was hindered, the ability of the US to live up to its commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement would be in serious doubt.





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