第一讲 口译概述 ( Week 1 )
An Overview of Interpretation
第二讲 口译技能训练之一:小技巧(Week 2)
Specific Contents
第三讲 口译技能训练之二:常用翻译技巧(Week 3)
第四讲 口译技能训练之三:学校与教育(Week 4)
School and Education
第五讲 口译技能训练之四:人类与环境(Week 5)
Humanity and Environment
第六讲 口译技能训练之五:文化与历史 (Week 6)
Culture and History
第七讲 口译技能训练之六:旅游与观光(Week 7)
Travel and Sightseeing
第八讲 口译技能训练之七: 经济与发展(Week 8)
Economy and Development
第九讲 口译训练技能之八:娱乐与大众传媒 (Week 9)
Entertainment and Mass Media
第十讲 口译训练技能之九:卫生与健康(Week 10)
Sanitation and Health
第十一讲 对外关系(Week 11)
Foreign Relations
第十二讲 科技与进步(Week 12)
Science, Technology and Progress
第十三讲 交通与事故(Week 13)
Traffic and Accidents
第一讲 口译概述An Overview of Interpretation
“口译是一种通过口头表达形式,将所听到(间或读到)的信息准确而又快速地由一种语言转换成另一种语言,进而达到传递与交流信息之目的的交际行为,是人类在跨文化、跨民族交往活动中所依赖的一种基本的语言交际工具。”( 教材P5)
口译是指“对口头表达的信息及文本进行的口头翻译”(Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1997:82)
It is defined as "oral translation of a written text" (Shuttleworth & Cowie: 1997:83).
Interpreting is a service activity with a communication function. (Gile) It is usually a face-to-face communicative act.
Differences between interpretation and translation
the difference in the medium
the difference in the time limit
The key skill of a very good translator is the ability to write well,professional translators almost always work in only one direction, translating only into their native language ,using a good library of dictionaries and reference materials.
An interpreter, on the other hand, has to be able to translate in both directions, without the use of any dictionaries on the spot.
Types of interpreting
By forms:
交替口译 ( alternating interpretation )
接续口译 ( consecutive interpretation )
同声传译 (simultaneous interpretation )
耳语口译 ( whispering interpretation )
视阅口译 ( sight interpretation )
交替口译(alternating interpretation):交替口译是指译员同时以两种语言为操不同语言的交际双方进行轮回交替式口译。这种穿梭于双语之间的口译是最常见的一种口译形式。交替口译的场合很广,可以是一般的非事务性的交谈,可以是正式的政府首脑会谈,也可以是记者招待会。这种交谈式的传译要求译员不停地转换码,在交谈双方或多方之间频繁穿梭,来回传递以语段简短的信息。无需同声传译的技术设备,交互传译更适合各种小型会议。无需使用耳机设备,翻译在最短的时间内(五至二十分钟)作准确地陈诉。特别适合于:新闻发布 商务交流 产品展示或介绍会,等等。
接续口译(consecutive interpretation):接续口译是一种为演讲者以句子或段落为单位传递信息的单向口译方式。接续口译用于多场场合,如演讲、祝词、授课、高级会议、新闻发布会等。演讲者因种种原因需要完整地表达信息,所以他们往往作连贯发言。这种情况需要译员以一段接一段的方式,在讲话者的自然停顿间隙,将信息一组接一组地传译给听众。
同声传译(simultaneous interpretation):又称同步口译,是译员在不打断讲话者演讲的情况下,不停顿地将其讲话内容传译给听众的一种口译方式。因为译员的口译与讲话者的发言几乎同步进行,所以这种口译也被称之为同步口译。同声传译的最大优点在于高效率,可以保证讲话者作连贯发言,不影响或中断讲话者的思路,有利于听众对发言全文的同篇理解。同时传译被认为是最有效率的口译形式,是国际会议所采用的最基本的口译手段。同声传译有时也用于学术报告,授课讲座等场合。
耳语口译(whispering interpretation):耳语口译顾名思义是一种将一方的讲话内容用耳语的方式轻轻地传译给另一方的口译手段。耳语口译与同声传译一样,属于不停顿的连贯口译活动。所不同的是,同声传译的听众往往是群体,如国际会议的与会者等,而耳语口译的听众则是个人,其对象往往是接见外宾、参加会晤的国家元首或高级政府官员。
视阅口译(sight interpretation):通常又称视译,是以阅读的方式接收来源语信息,以口头方式传出信息的口译方式。视译的内容通常是一篇事先准备好的讲稿或文件。除非情况紧急,或出于暂时保密的缘故,译员一般可以在临场前几分钟(甚至更长的一段时间)得到讲稿或文件,因而译员可以将所需口译的文稿快速浏览一遍,做一些必要的文字准备。与同声传译和耳语口译一样,视阅口译属不间断的连贯式口译活动。
By ways:
单向口译 (one-way interpretation )
双向口译 ( two-way interpretation
By situation and purpose:
会议口译(conference interpretation)、谈判口译(interpretation for negotiations)、生活口译(everyday life interpretation)、视阅口译(sight interpretation)、耳语传译(whispering interpretation)、电化传译(video-aid interpretation)、导游口译(guide interpretation)。
By contents:
导游口译 ( guide interpretation )
礼仪口译 (ceremony interpretation )
宣传口译 ( information interpretation )
会议口译 ( conference interpretation )
谈判口译 ( negotiation interpretation )
Q: Dear Michael, who taught you how to
play golf and do you still use a coach?
A:A lot of people helped teach me—mostly
my buddies at the UNC while I was in
school. I occasionally use a PRO to advise
me on improving --but no one regular.
I've come to realize that I'm just a
"hack"--so now I am enjoying just
playing without a lot of coaching.
Q: Women in the United States generally live longer than men. But in recent years that gap has been narrowing a bit. How has that affected the life insurance business?
A: It is not narrowing that much, thank goodness We are still outliving men, we are still. We have quite a gap on them, still about 7-8 years. The only reason it’s narrowing is women are doing things to themselves that they shouldn’t be doing , like smoking ,and all those bad habits that men have had for many years. But it is not narrowing for other reasons.
I wish to thank you,Mr. Premier, for accepting my invitation to share your evening with my colleagues and me, and for honoring Canada with your presence. These have been very pleasant days in Peking, and I’m happy that this phase of my visit should conclude in such a congenial atmosphere.
Qualifications of a good interpreter:
A good interpreter is required to have a high level of linguistic competence, wide general knowledge, sufficient subject-specific knowledge, and necessary cross-cultural awareness as well as a good mastery of interpreting skills, such as note-taking techniques, the ability to abstract and paraphrase, the art of public speaking and a good memory.
Knowledge of the general subject of the speeches that are to be interpreted.
General erudition and intimate familiarity with both cultures.
Extensive vocabulary in both languages.
Ability to express thoughts clearly and concisely in both languages.
A good mastering of interpreting skills
A good memory.
3. 中国目前的口译教学常常被认为是:口头表述的笔译教学
“长三角”(含本省)上海 DOLLAR-VALUE
Listening; Listening and Translation; Reading
1 First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the faculty and students of my university , to express our most sincere thanks and a warm welcome to your group for your visit to our university.
2 We are delighted that you have chosen to begin your European tour here with us, your first visit to our country. With you we welcome vice-premier X back to Britain as an old friend and valued friend.
3 请允许我向远道而来的贵宾表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。
Allow me to express my warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.
4 部长们、尊贵的代表们,首先,欢迎大家光临悉尼。尽管时间短暂,我希望你们在悉尼的造访富有成效。我也希望大家有机会管窥一下这座澳大利亚最大城市所展示的风姿。
Ministers and other distinguished delegates. First of all, let me welcome you to Sydney. While brief, I hope your time in Sydney will be highly productive. I also hope you take the opportunity while you are here to enjoy a small taste of what Australia’s major city has to offer.