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2019-03-28 00:02 来源: 互联网 编辑:WB002 打印 手机阅读

  Americans opposed to the New York billionaire occupying the White House may soon have the choice of another one: Michael Bloomberg.

  反对纽约亿万富翁入主白宫的美国人可能很快就会有另一个选择:迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)。


  The former New York mayor and founder of the eponymous financial information company this week took another step towards a well-choreographed run for the presidency by re-registering his party affiliation as a Democrat.


  Mr Bloomberg, who has flirted with White House campaigns before, had already whipped up anticipation by pledging $80m to Democratic candidates for next month’s midterm elections, since topped up to $100m. “That’s a hell of a lot of IOUs,” remarked one former staffer who, like other Bloomberg intimates, believes a presidential run is a foregone conclusion.


  Just this week, Mr Bloomberg was in Florida, campaigning alongside Andrew Gillum, the Democratic candidate for governor, for whom he cut a $250,000 cheque. It was one stop in a globetrotting travel schedule that aides expect will have an increasingly domestic focus.

  就在本周,布隆伯格在佛罗里达州与该州民主党州长候选人安德鲁·吉勒姆(Andrew Gillum)一起开展竞选活动,他为后者开出了25万美元的支票。这是环球活动计划中的一站,助手们预计其焦点将日益转向国内。

  Mr Bloomberg will be 78 in 2020 and this would almost certainly be his last chance at the White House. Donald Trump’s presidency has increased the sense of urgency for a man who worries about the impact of global warming and has expressed disgust at Mr Trump’s embrace of rightwing nationalists.

  布隆伯格到2020年就78岁了,几乎可以肯定,这是他入主白宫的最后一次机会。对一个担心全球变暖影响并对特朗普支持右翼民族主义者表示厌恶的人来说,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的总统任期增加了他的紧迫感。



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